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Horizzon System Administrator Role

About the course

4 Modules
27 min
Unlimited access

Welcome to our Introductory course on the System Administrator role in Horizzon. A user with the System Administrator role automatically inherits the Administrator role and gains additional administrative and overall permissions within Horizzon.

This role provides enhanced control over Horizzon settings and features, ensuring effective administration and management capabilities.

Check out our video and support page link to learn more about the roles.

Course content

Topic outline

  • Horizzon is a web portal that can share real-time content from Enterprise Studio with a wide range of users. The shared model packages and projects are stored and managed here and can be available to other users. Horizzon is also a place to register and manage the users and user groups that need access to Horizzon.

    The support pages serve as a reference. Reading these articles is not included in the duration of the course or module.

  • In Enterprise Studio and Horizzon, user roles determine each user's access rights and features. The user roles range from consumer to system administrators, each with specific permissions to view, edit, or manage content within the platform.

  • A user with the System Administrator role automatically has the Administrator role, plus additional permissions. System Administrators can configure Horizzon settings, including display name, invitation limitations, password policy, 2-step verification, session and token settings, and lockout policy. They can also configure feature settings like embedded views, the Open API allowlist, and custom Help, enable the Windows Client application (cloud solution only), activate licenses, configure user authentication and single sign-on with external identity providers, and view the Horizzon audit log.

    Check out our video tutorial and support page for more details.

  • Since the System Administrator role includes Administrator permissions, please check the video tutorial regarding the Administrator role.

    The Administrator role in Horizzon offers extensive permissions. Administrators can view, add, and manage users, groups, model packages, and projects. They can edit information, set and manage access permissions, and revoke invitations. They also have the authority to remove users, groups, and projects, manage workflows, terminate workflow requests, end online sessions, view license settings, and add API clients.